Economy and pricing in scientific-technical activity of construction industry

Economy and pricing in scientific-technical activity of construction industry is a research  of economic effect in research works, development of normative and methodical documents on pricing of scientific-technical production in construction

Slyusarenko Yu.S.,
Tel.:(044) 249-72-40 
(050) 415-34-85 
Deputy Director on scientific work,
(044) 249-89-09
Ph.D. in Engineering Science


The important direction of economic activity of branch scientific organizations is determination of objective prices, expenses and profits by creation of scientific-technical production. Market demand and propositions for scientific developments and economic activity state dependence on reasonable price.

SE NDIBK works to justify the contract price, work standardization, effective planning, assessment and promotion of work performers to improve the scientific and technological level of researches, reduction of terms for creation and introduction of new technology.

The institute develops the normative system for determination and justification of scientific and scientific-technical works. In the process of pricing the institute focuses on introduction of economic scientific product efficiency assessment in comparison with the best national and foreign examples of technically developed countries and improvement of mechanisms to stimulate the scientific and technological activities.

The institute took a leading part in realization of some “pilot projects” in Odesa, Yalta, Illichivsk and other cities, for results of which the clients received the actual economic effect of more than UAH 1 million. The economic efficiency of scientific-technical developments should reflect the interests of the economy as a whole including organizations and enterprises which take part in realization of innovations.

One of the sources to stimulate the development of scientific activity the Institute considers the commercialization of science which is obtaining the additional income by the economic attractiveness of development what is observed in reports and measures of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction of Ukraine and was supported by CIS countries.

Work on economy and pricing in scientific-technical activity of construction industry is performed by the following departments:

Economic researches department


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